
Kunt u aangeven of u het met de onderstaande stellingen eens bent?
Host family: Could you inform us if you agree with the below statements?

Onze gezinssamenstelling is niet veranderd (gezinsuitbreiding, overlijden, scheiding, huwelijk)
Our family structure has not been changed (new born/diseased/divorce, marriage)

De au pair dagindeling is niet veranderd
The au pair daily schedule has not been changed

Wij zijn niet verhuisd naar een nieuw adres. Niemand van ons gezin verblijft of staat ingeschreven op een ander adres
We did not move to a new address. None of our family members moved or registered him/herself at a different address.

Degene waarop de inkomenscheck is gedaan, is niet veranderd van baan, of onderneming
The one whose income has been checked, did not changed job, or his/her own business

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Vul hieronder uw name in
Fill-in below your name
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Au Pair:

I don’t receive more than € 340 pocket money per month

I don’t work more than 30 hours per week

I don’t pay and buy my own food

I did not register myself at a different address than the address of the host family

I did not apply for a different visa. Also not for a different country

The host family gives me 2 days off or more per week

I have my own room within the house of the family

I collected my residence card and I sent a copy to my agency (this does not count for an EU au pair)

I register myself at the city hall and I sent the prove of my registration to the agency

I did the TBC test at the GGD (this does not count for all nationalities)

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If you don’t agree with the above statements, Please motivate below
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Your mobile number? 06
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Your email address?
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Your name?
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